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Become An Installer

connecting a network of people like you

Ready to become a Mr. Manhole Installer?

Fill out the below and have our sales representative contact you to get started.

We love our installers! By connecting a network of people like you, we can help cities and municipalities who are looking for manhole rehabilitation and repair via the Mr. Manhole method. As a Mr. Manhole Installer, you’ll be forwarded leads in your area, plus get access to an entire library of Mr. Manhole materials and guides.

We can help you market your manhole repair services. You’ll get:
  • Forwarded leads in your area
  • Flyers, brochures, and logos
  • Access to training resources and sales manuals
  • Introduced to Mr. Manhole Installers around the world
  • Added to our installer map
  • Access to our exclusive Facebook group

If you’re interested in these benefits and more, fill out the form or contact us today. Our team will get in touch with you soon to discuss how our installer program works and get you added to our network.