Level, watertight manholes for your city

Looking for a reliable installer to complete the job for you?
We have Mr. Manhole Installers located across the country who are ready to help.
Want to see residents upset? Ask them about sunken manholes.
They’re not just annoying. They can actually cause damage to vehicles. Level, watertight manholes aren’t a luxury, they’re a necessity.
This doesn’t just affect your residents. It affects your bottom line. If left untreated, the manholes can deteriorate further and damage the manhole structures and start to leak allowing millions of extra gallons of water to seep into the system, costing your city extra money every year.
With the Mr. Manhole system, you say goodbye to costly sunken manholes. You’ll experience a smooth, leakproof, and durable repair that is both resident and budget-friendly.
See How it Works
Saving Your City Time and Money
All-day manhole repairs are a thing of the past. With the Mr. Manhole system, the entire process is done in about an hour with about 10 minutes of total cutting time. You can drastically reduce your cost and complete more projects with a fraction of the man-hours.
Save on Your Budget
You won’t just reap the benefits of reduced labor costs. With the Mr. Manhole Method, material cost is also reduced. Our system uses a round cut instead of a traditional square cut, which means twenty percent less excavation and twenty percent less material to replace.
An additional added benefit aside from the savings on man-hours and materials is improved worker safety, which can sometimes incur greater long-term costs as well. With the Mr. Manhole method, the heavy lifting is done by the tools so municipal workers are better protected from injuries. And because there is less repair time, risks from disrupted traffic are also minimized, keeping your residents happy.
Our organization never stops looking for the safest, most accurate, and efficient means of doing business. We consider innovation and technology to be an integral part of our overall “work smarter” business strategy. As part of this, we have been witness to many manufacturers whom make outlandish claims about how well their products perform. Yet, every now and again, we encounter one that not only lives up to its billing, but actually exceeds our expectations. After watching the online video and talking to a sales rep, I remained skeptical and indicated at the time that if it worked half as well as advertised, then our organization would likely be very interested. What we saw was a demonstration that rendered all 25 or so nearly speechless.
The Mr. Manhole Difference
Yes, you’ll save money in the city budget.
Yes, you’ll improve resident morale.
But it doesn’t have to stop there. We can cut your costs and make you and your residents happy working on other projects too! We have the tools to not only repair manholes, but we can also repair water valve boxes, storm catch basins, perform utility excavations, and systems to speed up paving operations.
While all our machines perform a similar function, there are certain advantages depending on what you need to accomplish. Click here to see the key differences between the Platinum and Gold Series Six Shooter tools and the B-52 tool.
Documents of interest
We have compiled these documents to assist you in doing business with Mr. Manhole.