PH: 567-242-2221    TF: 833-242-2221
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More than a manhole cutter. We build solutions.

You’ve got sewer manhole structures that aren’t level with the road causing a traffic hazard or the chimneys leak causing high sewage treatment costs and overflow into lakes and streams. Repairs are costly, frequent, and hazardous.


The old ways don’t work anymore. The Mr. Manhole Method equips you to quickly remove the manhole and replace it with a new structurally sound watertight assembly. You can complete the repair in a fraction of the time and cost of other conventional methods with a 20-year design life that won’t leak and is always safely level with the road.

Limited Time Winter Savings
November - December Only
Upgrade your infrastructure this winter with Mr. Manhole Winter Savings! Now is the perfect time to invest in industry-leading manhole repair and leveling solutions at a discounted price.
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