A cost-effective and efficient method for repairs

Join other crews around the world as they cut their time, costs, and safety issues.
As a Mr. Manhole Installer, you’ll be forwarded leads in your area, plus get access to an entire library of Mr. Manhole materials and guides.
You stay up to date with the changes in the industry, so you know the old methods of manhole repair are outdated.
As an installer using the Mr. Manhole method, you’re using the most cost-effective and efficient method available. Our tools allow your team to benefit from reduced labor time, reduced cost, and better worker safety.
In turn, you will be offering your customers a repair system with an impressive track record with tens of thousands of successful repairs worldwide. You also benefit from being a part of the world’s most knowledgeable group of manhole repair specialists and have access to all the Mr. Manhole marketing materials and know-how.
Using our tools, installers step onto a new road of profitability and success. To get a better idea of how, here are four of the top benefits of using the Mr. Manhole system.
Four Benefits of Being a Mr. Manhole Installer

1. Save Time and Money
The old method of square manhole (frame adjustment) repairs is expensive for multiple reasons. Our system improves on this method by using round manhole repairs. Compared to square repairs, round manhole repairs use 20 percent less material. Less material means lower costs.
Labor costs are also cut significantly. It would normally require a team of five to finish a traditional manhole repair in about 5 hours. Using our method, it can be completed from start to finish in an hour. The manhole cutting process itself can take as little as ten minutes. Think of the savings of labor time for that four hours!

2. Make a Better Impression
Not only will you save you time and money, you will leave a long lasting positive impression because the Mr. Manhole Method:
- More aesthetically pleasing
- Presents a professional image
- Restores traffic much sooner
- No corners and points of weakness
- Circular reinforcing rods allow perfect placement and max strength
- Seals manhole from leaks
- Less likely to be damaged by freezing weather
- Perfectly level, every time
To discover more about the advantages of round manhole collars, check out Round Manhole Repairs versus Square Manhole Repairs.
3. Generous Warranty
When you purchase from us, you don’t just get tools. You get our confidence in our product and the installers that use them and a great warranty. You can learn more here.
On top of our warranty, we sell quality replacement parts for all our cutters and tools. These parts are always on hand for quick repairs to keep you profitable to minimize any possible downtime so you get the most out of your equipment.

4. Easy-to-Use Tools and Training
Our tools are designed to be easy to use and work with skid steer loaders and backhoes. This allows the operator to stay safe with a great view as the work is being done. In our training center, you can find product overviews, specs, or training for our tools easily available online to stay ahead of the curve.