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Milling and Paving

If You are a Street Paver, Dealing With Manholes Wisely is a Must!

Asphalt paving is a 30 Billion Dollar sector of the U.S economy. Pavers often invest millions in paving equipment. Pavers have a lot of the same problems as other construction related businesses have, finding and retaining great employees. Most of the jobs available in the paving industry require skills and experience.

When a Paving company makes an investment in equipment and human resources and becomes successful, it’s necessary to keep the equipment and people moving from one paving project to the next without delays. Anything that comes up on a job that is non-standard, or out of the ordinary can cause costly delays. When the project involves milling preceding the new paving, manhole structures in the roadway can wreck efficiency.

A significant number of pavers are finding an innovative solution to the manhole issue by using the Mr. Manhole Cut, Pull, and Plate Method.

The Cut, Pull, and Plate is a great time saving solution to the problem of working around manholes if you are milling and paving. It will save a tremendous amount of time and allow you to focus on paving, not fiddling with manholes.

Now, if you are not milling before paving, you can use the Mr. Manhole method to your advantage by simply paving over the manholes, as if they don’t exist. Later you can send a crew back to quickly adjust the manholes to the exact height and slope of the road.

There is an opportunity to upsell your customer on the added benefits of a system like the Mr. Manhole system.

 It will always be perfectly level with the road, It has a twenty year design life, It won’t leak, That is a big one right there!

You have several options here, You can buy a Mr. Manhole tool system and let your crew do the work. 

Whatever path you choose, there are some excellent solutions for the manhole adjustment challenges. Try a couple of these options and see how much faster and more profitable your paving business can become.

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