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Mr. Manhole

Rent our cutters, all shipped to you with everything you need to get to work faster, safer and smarter.

You are committed to keeping your city in great shape and you’ve got manhole frames and lids that need to be repaired quickly, safely, and correctly.

You or your city may not be ready to purchase a Mr. Manhole cutter just yet, but you need the benefits now! We can help you make that happen with the Mr. Manhole rental program! Our rental program will get you up and running to get your repairs done faster, smarter, and safer.

With our rental program you get:

rental box

try before you buy Mr. Manhole Rental package

If you rent a Mr.Manhole Cutter Package for one month or longer and decide to purchase either a Gold or Platinum Customer Package, within 30 days from the Rental Contract End Date, a $2,000 discount will be given on the purchase price.

Rental Options
  • Weekly (Pickup Only)
  • Monthly (Pickup or Delivery)

Other products available for rent are listed below.

Newcon Plate with Pipe Guide & T-Stops
Newcon Plate with Pipe Guide & T-Stops
$40.00 / weekly
$80.00 / monthly
Centering System
Centering System
$310.00 / weekly
$620.00 / monthly
Mr. Valve Blaster Unit
Mr. Valve Blaster Unit
$240.00 / weekly
$480.00 / monthly
Arm Adapter Kit – B-52 Cutter
Arm Adapter Kit – B-52 Cutter
$125.00 / weekly
$250.00 / monthly
Arm Adapter Kit – Gold Series
Arm Adapter Kit – Gold Series
$185.00 / weekly
$370.00 / monthly
Newcon Auger
Newcon Auger
$120.00 / weekly
$240.00 / monthly
Lifting Magnet
Lifting Magnet
$25.00 / weekly
$50.00 / monthly
Casting Lifter Bracket – Platinum
Casting Lifter Bracket – Platinum
$50.00 / weekly
$100.00 / monthly
Casting Lifter Bracket
Casting Lifter Bracket
$30.00 / weekly
$60.00 / monthly
Manhole Rebuild Package
Manhole Rebuild Package
$360.00 / weekly
$720.00 / monthly
Water Valve Rebuild Package
Water Valve Rebuild Package
$360.00 / weekly
$720.00 / monthly
Mr. Mister Silica Control
Mr. Mister Silica Control
$125.00 / weekly
$250.00 / monthly
Standard Speedplate
Standard Speedplate
$165.00 / weekly
$330.00 / monthly
Smooth Wall Speedplate
Smooth Wall Speedplate
$270.00 / weekly
$540.00 / monthly
XL Speedplate
XL Speedplate
$210.00 / weekly
$420.00 / monthly
Mr. Manhole Rental Unit
Mr. Manhole Rental Unit
$2,100.00 / weekly
$4,500.00 / monthly

Get access to the right tools to do your next project.

If you would like to rent a Mr. Manhole cutter or discuss rental options, contact our Sales Department, today!

Sales Department

[email protected]

Phone: 567-242-2221, Ext. 2

Rental Box Unboxing Training Video

Everything you need to know!

Training VIdeos

See How It Works

Visit our Training Video Resource Center to see how to operate the Gold Series Six Shooter Cutter along with other helpful training videos.