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B52 On Bobcat
With Mr. Manhole you can have a large weather window and be more profitable in the winter. Typically, when there is snow on the ground, road work is

Mr. Manhole allows you to work year round

Above is a normal everyday photo of a road contractor and crew taking care of a manhole, well, except it’s not exactly normal. If you notice there is snow accumulation and probably a little ice on the road. Typically this means no road work unless absolutely necessary which brings a downturn in business during the cold weather but not anymore.

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Manhole repair systems

Manhole repair systems

Another winter is coming and drivers know that by spring there will be a new crop of potholes coming up that will need to be rehabbed. Manhole rehabilitation is a growing segment of the trenchless sector and will continue to grow with numerous manholes that require attention every year. Manhole rehabilitation An engineer gauges the current condition of the manhole

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A Manhole shouldn’t be a pothole

A Manhole shouldn’t be a pothole

You likely know where all the potholes are throughout your regular driving schedule in a day. You probably have them “pre-programmed” into your daily route to work, the school, and the grocery store. You might not even realize that you avoid them, it’s probably second nature. BUT when you forget that one time or you come across a ‘new’ manhole

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Why Mr. Manhole is Perfect for Contractors

Why Mr. Manhole is Perfect for Contractors

It is vital that you choose the appropriate technique to rehab a manhole to extend its life, and also to ensure cost efficiency. You need a method that will provide a long-term solution to the problem, be municipality-friendly with proven successes. When looking at techniques you will want to study case histories and confer with other contractors who have experience

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Why Mr. Manhole is Perfect for Municipalities

Why Mr. Manhole is Perfect for Municipalities

Mr. Manhole system addresses two major manhole issues for municipalities, leakage and the bump the manhole creates. Contractors have to use saws and air hammers to rehab existing manhole covers to make them flush with the road. After removing the frame they begin to rebuild the chimney structure, which involves taking a 150 lbs concrete ring and matching the height

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Mr. Manhole, Delphos, Ohio

The Mr. Manhole line of cutter isn’t just for manholes

There are many uses for the Mr. Manhole line of manhole cutters. They’re great for repairing sunken manholes and can be used in repave or reconstruction to raise or level manhole frames and lids. With each manhole repair, the frame and cover are perfectly level with the new pavement, remain durable through use, and they even look awesome! But what

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Why use a Mr. Manhole Cutter for Repairs?

Why use a Mr. Manhole Cutter for Repairs?

The answer is simple: faster repairs, cheaper labor, and happier workers! The Mr. Manhole system is a state-of-the-art set of tools and repair system that allows your crew to quickly and easily cut out and replace manhole frames. Developed in 2002, we set out to create a better method of manhole removal and repair than current industry standards. What we

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Mr. Manhole, Adjustment, Manhole Frames/Lids, Maintenance of Sewer,

How do you adjust manhole frames/lids?

If you are involved in the maintenance of sewers, it’s a safe bet you will have to remove and adjust or replace manhole frames and lids from time to time. When roads are repaved the elevation change requires the adjustment of the manhole frame/lid. Occasionally the frame/lid might need replaced due to wear. When this operation becomes necessary, you will

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Frost Heave Manhole

Frost Heave in Colder Climates

Perfect to Remove Manhole Frames in Any Climate The Mr. Manhole tool system is the best method in any climate, to remove manhole frames and the surrounding road surface. The question of frost heave arises when using the Mr. Manhole rebuild method, to level the manhole frame to the exact height and slope of the road. Cone Shaped Repairs, Lift

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Gold Series Six Shooter - Manhole Cutter

Introducing the Gold Series Six Shooter

Manhole frame adjustment is becoming big business due to a new generation of repair tools developed in the last decade. Engineers are specifying new methods to replace the venerable concrete saw and air hammer. These new methods are not only safer for workers, but much more economical. Customer Driven Enhancements The Mr. Manhole system is the innovator in this field

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Square Manhole Repair

Round Manhole Repairs vs. Square Manhole Repairs

After a road resurfacing, manhole frames and lids need raised to the new road height. This is accomplished by removing a section of the road around the manhole lid and rebuilding the structure at the appropriate level. In the past, workers have cut a square area out and replaced it during the rebuilding process. The past decade has seen advances

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